9.13. Tuples🔗

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Describe Prod and PProd, their syntax and API

Tracked at issue #171

Prod.{u, v} (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
    : Type (max u v)

Product type (aka pair). You can use α × β as notation for Prod α β. Given a : α and b : β, Prod.mk a b : Prod α β. You can use (a, b) as notation for Prod.mk a b. Moreover, (a, b, c) is notation for Prod.mk a (Prod.mk b c). Given p : Prod α β, p.1 : α and p.2 : β. They are short for Prod.fst p and Prod.snd p respectively. You can also write p.fst and p.snd. For more information: Constructors with Arguments


Prod.mk.{u, v} {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (fst : α) (snd : β) : α × β

Constructs a pair from two terms.



The second projection out of a pair. if p : α × β then p.2 : β.


The first projection out of a pair. if p : α × β then p.1 : α.

PProd.{u, v} (α : Sort u) (β : Sort v)
    : Sort (max (max 1 u) v)

Similar to Prod, but α and β can be propositions. You can use α ×' β as notation for PProd α β. We use this type internally to automatically generate the brecOn recursor.


PProd.mk.{u, v} {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (fst : α) (snd : β) : α ×' β



The second projection out of a pair. if p : PProd α β then p.2 : β.


The first projection out of a pair. if p : PProd α β then p.1 : α.

MProd.{u} (α β : Type u) : Type u

Similar to Prod, but α and β are in the same universe. We say MProd is the universe monomorphic product type.


MProd.mk.{u} {α β : Type u} (fst : α) (snd : β) : MProd α β



The second projection out of a pair. if p : MProd α β then p.2 : β.


The first projection out of a pair. if p : MProd α β then p.1 : α.